Friday, 18 July 2008
Good night and good luck
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Knowledge is power Or Ignorance is bliss?

Saturday, 3 May 2008
"This thing flies like the wind!"

Friday, 25 April 2008
Educação Musical – Parte II
Saturday, 12 April 2008
2,300 kgs de Vicente
So, time for another ultra-sound to check what Vicente was up to. There's not much room, so he's quietly hanging upside down and waiting for the end of May. By now he weights about 2,300 kgs and should be about 39 cms.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
The clock is ticking
54 days left and a bunch of issues to address. We’re lacking a paediatrician, tons of clothes, a pushchair, a company to keep Vicente’s stem cells, Vicente’s crib. I'd say it's time to worry.

Monday, 31 March 2008
Liberdade de expressão (AkA Freedom of speech)
Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Olá. É só para avisar que já retirámos aquela opção que obrigava os 'comentadores' aqui do blog a estarem registados no blogger. Assim, deixar comentários passa a ser muito mais fácil.
Hey guys, just to let you know that this blog now accepts comments from users who are not registered at blogger. Comment not only is free, it's also easy.
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Educação Musical

Monday, 24 March 2008
Work in progress - Part I

A obra continua em breve....
Friday, 14 March 2008
Ultra-sound update
Hey everybody! First of all, apologies for being a lazy bum and not translating the last posts to English. To make it up, this will be an all-english post.
So yesterday we got to take another look inside Filipinha’s belly and see how Vicente was doing. The little one isn’t little anymore, and the good old days of jumping around are over. Now room is of the essence so Vicente decided to chill out by hanging upside down. He is shaping up to be a super-heavyweight, already weighting an impressive 1,5 kgs. We can’t tell for sure how tall he is, but at this stage he should be about 35 cms. Pretty cool, huh?
All in all, Vicente is doing great. We’ll have another peek in about one month.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Back to school
PS - Only 81 days to go.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
A vida às 27 semanas
O Vicente deverá ter cerca de 32,5 cm e quase um kg de peso...
Os pontapés começam a ser mais fortes à medida que ele se torna mais forte. Os pulmões crescem rapidamente. As narinas abriram na 26ª semana, começando a respiração muscular. A actividade cerebral para a audição e actividade visual também já começou e os olhos já estão parcialmente abertos. Desde a semana 25 que as unhas já têm metade do tamanho normal. Alguns sites dizem que os cientistas descobriram que o bebé,quando dorme ao mesmo tempo que a mãe, começa a sonhar em sincronia com ela, como se as ondas mentais se transmitissem de um para o outro. O corpo começa a ficar mais proporcional, mas não deixa de ter uma cabeça maior do que o resto.
E o relógio não pára de contar:
91 days
2194 hours
131651 minutes
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Great dillemas

Está a ser mais dificil do que foi escolher isto...

Sunday, 17 February 2008
Vicente goes to Madeira
Hey there, we´re back! Apologies for being lazy when writing in english, but such is life. Enjoy the pics!
Uma paragem inevitável...
A pic next to a road sign saying Vicente? Pretty lame, huh? Well, we thought it was cool.
Prémio a quem descobrir o Alberto João nestas imagens...

Andámos num carro com vocação familiar, pois claro...O Vicente precisa de espaço!
Getting used to family-friendly vehicles. One can't get enough room for three!
A minha melhor foto de sempre. Obrigado Pi.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its super-dad! (Lame again, eh? Sorry.)
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Merci Didine! (Aka Léon petit cochon)

V for Vicente
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Anónimo procura nome (aka what’s in a name)
Xavier; Vicente ; Diogo ; Gonçalo ; Rodrigo .
Guys, let me tell you one thing, choosing a name for your baby is no picnic. Wouldn’t it all be easier if you just named your kids Ruben2, Ruben3, and so forth? It would, but that’s just not how it goes, so no point complaining. Well, anyway, we’re doing very well and we managed to narrow things down to the five names you see above. Comment is free, so, go for it, tell us what you think.
Saturday, 26 January 2008
Um breve resumo...(a quick review)
Hello! Boy, this thing of doing a bilingual blog is going to be more trouble than i thought...hum, well, anyway, this should have started a while ago, but we're lazy, so...this was the best we could do. If you look on the bright side, we still have four months to go, full of news and pics to show you! Ok, what do we know so far? Our baby is about 20 centimeters long by now, we know it's a boy and he seems in good shape, being above average in his measurements!
Vamos lá ver o que se passou entretanto...
Quick review of the last months...
Isto era a mamã Filipa com quatro meses, logo a seguir ao natal, com uma barriguinha que já se começava a notar !
So here's mommy Filipa, displaying her nice little round four-months tummy...(not to mention a cool t-shirt given by daddy ruben)

Muitas apostas foram feitas ao longo dos meses em relação ao sexo do bebé e utilizaram-se as mais variadas técnicas para tentar descobrir, chegando mesmo a usar-se métodos altamente científicos como o teste da agulha (que dava sempre rapariga...)
A lot of bets were made to find out if it was a boy or a girl, using all available data and highly skilled techniques like the needle test (which, by the way, always showed it would be a girl)

Queriamos acrescentar aqui uma fotografia do pequenote, afinal de contas é ele a razão de ser deste blog, mas ainda não descobrimos maneira de retirar imagens do dvd das ecografias dele aqui para o blog...fica para um próximo post.
We wanted to show some pics of our little one right now, but we haven't found a way to cop them from the dvd's of the ultrasounds to the blog, so, we'll leave that for some other time...
E cá está a mamã filipinha novamente, agora com cinco meses (22 semanas...) e uma barriga que já não engana ninguém !!
Here's mommy filipinha again, now showing off a 22-week belly! (and, funny enough, the same t-shirt...)
O que podemos dizer é que até agora tem sido uma gravidez fantástica!!!
All we can say so far is that it has been a great ride!!